Most people know that they need to call 8-1-1 prior to digging on their property. The “Call Before You Dig” marketing campaign has been very successful in educating property owners about the importance of doing so. Hitting public utility lines can not only be dangerous, or even life-threatening, for …
Private Underground Utility Locating Services on Large Construction Projects: Who Is Responsible?
You’ve probably seen the stories in the news about a construction worker hitting an underground utility, like a gas line, and getting severely injured or even losing his or her life. Or, you may have heard about projects getting delayed when workers come across utility lines that they didn’t know …
Can You Use GPR Scanning to Search for Gold?
Here at Enhanced Scanning, we love ground penetrating radar (GPR)! It is often our go-to tool for underground scanning to find buried utilities, items embedded in concrete slabs or block walls, and more! Every once in a while, we get requests from potential customers to help them find some sort of …